Can bust through permacrete walls, leaving behind multiple metre wide holes). Can easily overpower and casually kick around astromech droids, which can take blaster carbine shots and blows from an E-XD Infiltrator Droid. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, can process information faster than a human being, Energy Projection (via blasters built into their arms), Flight (B2-RP rocket droid variant)Īttack Potency: Likely Small Building level physically (The physically strongest standard infantry of the CIS military. 8-C with grenade launcher attachmentĪllegiance: Trade Federation, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Great Vaults of Cato Neimoidia, various criminal syndicates and pirate groups (reprogrammed and used as bodyguards or enforcers) Another improvement was their thick armor casing, which contained their fragile sensors. Super battle droids were much stronger than their predecessors, and they did not require a command system to operate, which gave the droids limited independence.

These droids also had a heavy assault variant, equipped with a arm mounted cannon, known as the B2-HA super battle droid, and a airborne variant, known as the B2-RP Battle Droid.B2 super battle droids were an advanced battle droid used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Super Battle Droids were equipped with dual wrist blasters, but most only used one in open area combat. The droids were durable, strong and able to outman a clone trooper with little or no fire power, but were still easily destroyed by the strike of a lightsaber. These droids also have deep voices in comparison to their B1 commrades and spoke more rarely. It featured two white photoreceptors on its cranial unit. The droids head was attached to its massive upper body. The Super Battle Droid's arms were strong enough to be able to grasp opponents and throw them aside. It had a large body as well as grey armor plating.

This droid was large, hefty and overall com more corpulent than its comrade, the B1 Battle Droid.

They were a much stronger and more advanced version of the B1 Battle Droid their armor could withstand direct hits from small caliber weapons. The B2 Super Battle Droid, or Super Battle Droid, was a common infantry unit of the Droid Army.